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Organic food beneficial

Study Shows Organic Food Is Beneficial

Pamela Bump

A recent study concluded that organic fruits and vegetables provide more nutrition than conventionally grown produce. Benefits include an increased amount of antioxidants and decreased amounts of cadmium, a potentially toxic metal. 

Antioxidants help prevent cell damage. The organic produce delivered between 20 to 40 percent higher antioxidant activity.

The study also indicated that pesticides were more abundant in conventional foods. The study stated, "The frequency of occurrence of pesticide residues was found to be four times higher in conventional crops, which also contained significantly higher concentrations of the toxic metal Cd [Cadmium]." 

Cadmium is a metal that can enter the body in various ways, including inhalation and through food. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) stated that consuming "very high cadmium levels severely irritates the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea, and sometimes death." Consuming lower levels of Cd for longer periods of time may also lead to kidney and bone damage, according to the ATSDR.

The study was comprised of a  meta-analyses based on 343 peer-reviewed publications.  

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